Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Thank You for Your Wonderful Support!

I'm up to 404 votes!!!

Many of you know that I joined a picture book contest. What you don't know is that I feel that I've won already. So many of my friends and family have voted day after day for me. It's extremely encouraging.

I've made many new friends on Lulu as well. Complete strangers vowed to help me. I've featured some of their books on twitter and facebook. I'm going to do some blog posts for others. Writers are pretty cool people.

One of my church friends had had trouble sleeping. When she went to vote for me, she found a natural sleep aid that has helped her sleep!

A guy I hadn't seen since High School is voting for me every day!!! 

My church has rallied around me as well!

If you're hearing about this for the first time, I need your help. 

I entered the contest late so I have to catch up to others who have many votes already.  It's very difficult, but not impossible.  40% of my score is the number of votes.  60% of my score is the story, use of their illustrations, and grammar.  (I had to eliminate some paragraph breaks and words to fit the story in the 4 small pages provided.)  I just need to get in range of the high scorers to win!! 

You can vote once a day until November 22, 2010.  If you put the link in your favorites, it would only take seconds each day.  Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Please vote, here's the link: 

Kathy Stemke's websites:
Moving Through all Seven Days link:http://www.lulu.com/content/e-book/moving-through-all-seven-days/7386965#http://www.helium.com/users/406242.html http://www.associatedcontent.com/user/237923/Kathy_stemke_dancekam.html http://kathystemke.weebly.com
Follow me on twitter: http://twitter.com/kathystemke
Follow me on Facebook:http://www.facebook.com/topic.php?uid=6147172660&topic=4910#!/kathymarescomatthews.stemke?ref=profile
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Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

That's great! I voted for you.

Anonymous said...

Good luck Kathy! I voted.