Marietta (Mari) Taylor resides in Raleigh, NC with her husband of seventeen years and her two teenage daughters. Mari is the author of Surviving Unemployment Devotions to Go, released March 2010 and Girlfriends On…Surviving Unemployment, also scheduled to be released in 2010. Mari was also published in Penned From The Heart VOL XV, a devotional anthology. Her column, Frugal Elegance, appears in Girlfriend 2 Girlfriend, an online magazine published by Extreme Diva Media.
I asked Mari a few open-ended questions so we could get to know her better and these are her answers.
MY FONDEST MEMORY IS when my husband and I attended a marriage conference in Winona, MN. We had been on the verge of a divorce. Going to this conference was the first trip we were taking after deciding to try to work things out. We had our two daughters with us because they had a program for the kids. We lived in Chicago at the time and drove up. As we crossed from Wisconsin to Minnesota we came upon a dam with water flowing over and the most beautiful pristine looking body of water. It took my breath away. I knew instantly this trip was going to be fabulous! It was held on a college campus so we all stayed in a dorm room. We had the best time. Our kids enjoyed their program and we learned so much there. We were on of the youngest couples there and were "adopted" by several older couples. This conference was a turning point in our marriage. I am grateful to have had the opportunity to attend.
WHEN I HAVE ENOUGH TIME, I WANT TO do some traveling overseas. I'd love to visit Jerusalem, Egypt, Paris, Italy and Tahiti. I know that's an odd mix but those are the places on my list. Jerusalem and Egypt are on the list because of their biblical significance. I took advanced French in high school and college and have always wanted to visit all the renowned landmarks and places of interest. I love Italian food so that placed Italy on the list. Tahiti is my romantic place. My husband and I hope to be walking the beaches of Tahiti in 7 years when we celebrate our 25th wedding anniversary. I guess this also falls into the "when I get enough money" category.
I GET ANGRY WHEN people place blame, conveniently forgetting to mention their part in the matter. I think it is important to be accountable for your actions and not try to deflect so that you "look good". I often face this at work. I find myself carefully crafting a response "be accountable for your actions as well" in the most professional and unemotional way possible. That really helps my writing skills!
I ENJOY being relaxed, reading a good book. As an author I know that sounds kind of hokey but it's true. I'm a voracious reader. Books make me happy :)
MY FUTURE GOAL IS TO start a ministry for women facing difficult circumstances. I've already picked out the name. It will be called Joy For Mourning Ministries. The name comes from Isaiah 61:3. It says that God will give "The oil of gladness instead of mourning". I love that! I plan to draw on my own experiences to provide support, encouragement, practical advice and concrete assistance to the women who will participate in the ministry.
Here’s part of a review of Mari’s latest book:
Marietta Taylor’s book, “Surviving Unemployment Devotions to Go,” is a devotional that reads like an e-mail from a friend. She is candid, smart, and funny. She reveals to you the things that most people wouldn’t, just so you can learn from her experiences. Each chapter has a scriptural reference and a prayer focus that condition you to hold on to the Lord’s promises and obey His Word, even as the storm of circumstances make you a little unsteady.
“Surviving Unemployment Devotions to Go,” offers tips on thankfulness, frugality and money-making, and keeping a consistent relationship with God.
The emotions and obstacles brought about by unemployment are some that many of us face each day in different situations. There is debt, marital discord, and the tough job of trying to meet the needs of everyone in the family. I would recommend this devotional to any woman who manages a household.
Taylor shows us that we can live, love, and laugh through our issues, and make the best possible decisions, while we trust God to lead us out of them.
Book Review by Adrienne Adams
President, The Write Vision Group
Mari’s websites:
Personal Blog: www.marismorningroom.blogspot.com
Website: www.mariettataylor.net
Twitter: www.twitter.com/raleighgirl
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/home.php?#!/pages/Marietta-Taylor-Author/345681080001Read an excerpt of “Surviving Unemployment Devotions to Go” at www.mariettataylor.net.
Get your copy at www.edmbookstore.com.
Kathy Stemke's websites:
Moving Through all Seven Days link:http://www.lulu.com/content/e-book/moving-through-all-seven-days/7386965#http://www.helium.com/users/406242.htmlhttp://www.associatedcontent.com/user/237923/Kathy_stemke_dancekam.htmlhttp://kathystemke.weebly.comFollow me on twitter: http://twitter.com/kathystemkeFollow me on Facebook:http://www.facebook.com/topic.php?uid=6147172660&topic=4910#!/kathymarescomatthews.stemke?ref=profile

There is certainly a need for the sort of books Marietta writes. Maybe her ministry could be called "Joy in the Mourning."
Great to meet Marietta. Loved the open ended questions. Her books sound very interesting.
Good post, Kathy
Kathy, great questions!
Marietta, it was fun getting to know you through your answers. And your book is certainly one that is needed in this economy!
Wonderful topic for a book. This sounds like a must read! I'm off to read your online column as well. Thanks for sharing your writing with us.
I love the cover of the book. Sounds like you’re really good at meeting your goals so I have a feeling you’ll be visiting all the places you have on your overseas travel list.
Great interview, Kathy.
It's funny, you never know where the road will lead you. Glad things worked out for you, Mari.
A ministry for women mourning and grieving over obstacles in life is such a wonderful thing to offer.
I wish you much success with all your endeavors.
Great stuff. One of my goals is to travel to every state (since I'm writing about all fifty states) in three years (hopefully books are self supporting by then). I've been to Paris (remember a little bit about it), my grandmother went to Jerusalum and never thought of Tahiti as being the spot to go - mine is Australia.
I like the open endedness of the questions, Kathy and that is what makes this type of interview nice. Thanks for letting us get to know Mari a bit better - E :)
Elysabeth Eldering
Author of the Junior Geography Detective Squad, 50-state, mystery, trivia series
Where will the adventure take you next?
Mari, what an important series in such difficult times. Good for you!
Best of luck. Thanks, Mari and Kathy, for such a great post!
“Surviving Unemployment Devotions to Go,” offers tips on thankfulness, frugality and money-making, and keeping a consistent relationship with God.
I know your book says it's Unemploysment devotions but it sounds like it has tips we can all use at all times in our life
Martha Swirzinski
Wow, I can see where your inspiration comes from, and such a worthy and lofty goal you have for the ministry. Best of luck to you and your book, Marietta.
Thanks for hosting me today! You make me sound so accomplished :)
A very interesting and informative interview, Kathy and Mari.
Mari, your books sound both practical and inspirational and I do hope you achieve your goal of setting up your ministry.
Kathy and Mari, my husband just got a job (training - no guarantee) after being unemployed for five months. We definitely could have used one of her books! I'd be interested in buying a copy when it comes out. Will you be saving names of people who want it? Great interview.
Fabulous, Mari--this book seems very timely and should be helpful to many people these days.
Thanks for sharing your story!
Interesting interview. It was nice learning about Marietta and about her book. I enjoy devotionals, so I'll have to add her book to my ever growing wish list.
Kathy -- thanks for the really interesting interview.
Mari -- checked out your blog. Love the advice to shop your closet -- my closets and drawers need bigtime work -- I need to get rid of all the stained and torn t-shirts, things that don't fit, etc.
I think I'm going to take a look the book. Sound very interesting.
Thanks for sharing Kathy
Mari I find you SO inspiring!! Thank you for this terrific, insightful interview. There is definitely a need out there for your beautiful message of hope!
:) Dallas
Thanks to everyone for the kind comments. The book is available for purchase at www.edmbookstore.com or you can link there from my website.
Thanks for great post..
I love the cover of the book. Thanks for great post.
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