Today, I am pleased to have a writer with us whose talents know no bounds. Dianne Sagan is a ghostwriter, a guest editorialist writing Op-Ed pieces for the Amarillo Globe-News, a writer of short stories and flash fiction, and she is also a book reviewer. She joins us today to talk about her diverse experience in the industry and to give us a glimpse into what she’s working on right now.
I honored to introduce you to my readers, Dianne.
Thank you Kathy, it’s nice to be here.
I have to admit I am really interested in finding out more about your ghostwriting work. How did you get involved in this aspect of writing? What types of subjects do you cover?
A writer-acquaintance of mine who is a member of Panhandle Professional Writers was doing ghostwriting and started getting so much work that she put out a call for freelance editors and ghostwriters. I talked to her about it and decided to give it a try, and I discovered that I not only enjoyed the process but that I also had some talent for it. The books I’m writing at this time are nonfiction “business success and leadership” books concerning issues of human performance, which happens to align neatly with the consulting that my husband and I do. My clients are entrepreneurs, dentists, corporate executives, speakers, men and women in a wide array of professions. I would love to expand into ghostwriting Christian nonfiction.
Do people ever ask you why you have chosen to be a ghostwriter instead of writing your own books?
Yes, I get that question a lot. My goal has been to be a freelance writer and to be able to live well from my work. That isn’t always easy to do when selling my own work. When this opportunity came along, it was a perfect fit. Ghostwriting provides a good income on a steady basis, and although I have less time to work on books under my own byline, it is well worth it. It also gives me experience and a track record for being able to complete books and make deadlines. It has also helped me prove to myself that, yes, I really can write a first draft of a two hundred-page manuscript in four weeks!
Speaking of your own books, what book is published and available to our readers right now?
My current projects include a series of Christian fiction novellas. The series is called Touched by the Savior. Each book is the story of a little known woman who met Jesus during his ministry.
The first is titled, Rebekah Redeemed. It's about an orphaned Rebekah who becomes a servant in her uncle’s house in Bethany. Traded from relative to relative, she suffers neglect and abuse. When a Roman soldier assaults her, she flees in fear of her life and hides. Rebekah is discovered and Lazarus becomes her kinsman redeemer. Can Jesus redeem her soul? Can she forgive or break the chains of her past?
It sounds like children will learn important spiritual principles and enjoy themselves too. Where can we buy this book?
Rebekah Redeemed ISBN: 978-0-937660-52-2
Now available online at AWOC.com or Amazon.com
How can we learn more about you and your books?
Your readers can visit me on the following websites:
Thank you, Dianne, for your visit.
Your welcome, Kathy. I enjoyed it.
Everyone come back August 3rd for more about Dianne’s exciting book, Rebekah Redeemed. In fact, we're going to include an excerpt from the book.
Kathy Stemke's websites:

Thanks, Kathy, for bringing more about Dianne to us.
Dianne, your book sounds very interesting, as do you.
I always enjoying learning more about authors. Thanks for sharing such an in-depth post about Dianne.
Children’s Author
Write What Inspires You Blog
Donna M. McDine’s Website
Thanks,Kathy, for a great post. I read Dianne's Rebekah Redeemed and it's wonderful. Next, I have to read Touched by the Savior.
Karen Cioffi
Dianne is certainly a very gifted and talented writer. This is a most interesting post, Kathy. Thank you.
Great post, Kathy.
Dianne, thanks for sharing with us, your book must be exciting to read! I've also done some ghostwriting -mainly articles-and you are right; it can provide you with income. But the pleasure of writing your own books is much more fulfilling.
Thank you for your interesting perspective on ghost writing, Diane.
Thanks for visiting everyone. Dianne is an awesome lady.
Thanks so much for having me visit with you and your blog followers. I'm working on the first draft of the next book for the Touched by the Savior series. It is called "The Fisherman's Wife"
I'm so glad that readers are enjoying "Rebekah Redeemed."
You're a great host, Kathy.
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