Some of these games have versions that are appropriate for many differing levels. Check them out.
Math Mayhem: Basic Facts Add, Subtract, Multiply or Divide
TimezAttack Basic Facts Multiplication (You have to download this one and provide an e-mail address. The basic version is free and the kids really seem to like it.)
Spacey Math: Basic Facts Add, Subtract, Multiply or Divide
Math Arcade at FunBrain: Math Skills all grade levels
Two Minute Warning: Multiply
Primary Games: Lots of Pre-k through 4th games
Cool Math Games
Math Playground
Harcourt Math Games (This one isn't as "arcade" oriented but I like they way it uses the math vocabulary in the problems.)
A Plus Math Games
Kathy Stemke's websites:
Moving Through all Seven Days link:http://www.lulu.com/content/e-book/moving-through-all-seven-days/7386965#http://www.helium.com/users/406242.html

Hi Kathy,
Here's another site that has proprietary downloads of math games and activities for lots of skills, www.iplaymathgames.com. It's going free on Sept 1, 2009. For now, use the code "twitter" at checkout.
Thanks for the info.
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