Kidz City Magazine has three great writing contests running right now. 4th-5th grades, 6th-8th grades, and 9th-12th grades will be competing in their age groups for these great prizes. All three have a September 9th deadline. Pick up that pencil and start writing now. You'll have lots of fun, and you might just win!
Guidelines for all three age levels:
Write a 300 word essay about what you love most about your face.
Include the following with your submission:
Contact information
Permission Slip
City and State
Chemicals have no place on your face!
Good For You Girls wants to know what you love most about your face.
Don’t hold back! We want to hear about all those freckles, dimples and all those unique features that make you —you!
Grand Prize: Publication in City Kidz World magazine in the September issue and a skincare kit from Good for Girls Skincare.
* Every participating student receives a certificate.
1st Place: A first place certificate, a gift certificate for $50 from a local restaurant in the winner’s community, a lifetime subscription to City Kidz World magazine, and publication of the winning entry in the City Kidz World magazine and on www.citykidzworld.com .
2nd place: A second place certificate, a lifetime subscription to City Kidz World magazine, and publication of the winning entry in the City Kidz World magazine and on www.citykidzworld.com .
3rd place: A third place certificate, a lifetime subscription to City Kidz World magazine, and publication of the winning entry in the City Kidz World magazine on www.citykidzworld.com .
Send to contests@citykidzworld.com or
City Kidz World magazine
PO Box 5294
Kendall Park, NJ 08824
Kathy Stemke's websites:
Moving Through all Seven Days link:http://www.lulu.com/content/e-book/moving-through-all-seven-days/7386965#http://www.helium.com/users/406242.html

What an interesting theme for an essay. Great for pre-teens and teens to contemplate. I bet it will help boost self esteem.
I look forward to reading the winning entries.
Joy Delgado
Thanks, Joy. I liked the theme too.
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