Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Winter Animals: Activities and Songs!

Baby Polar Bear Song
tune: Baby Bumblebee

I’m swimming with a baby polar bear,

Hear my mommy shout, "watch out, beware!”

I’m swimming with a baby polar bear,
(Swim in a designated space without touching anyone else)

Ouch! It tripped me!
(freeze and touch the ground)

I’m running with a baby polar bear,

Hear my mommy shout, "watch out, beware!”

I’m running with a baby polar bear,
(Run in a designated space without touching anyone else)

Ouch! It tripped me!
(freeze and touch the ground)

I’m jumping with a baby polar bear,

Hear my mommy shout, "watch out, beware!”

I’m jumping with a baby polar bear,
(Jump in a designated space without touching anyone else)

Ouch! It tripped me!
(freeze and touch the ground)

I’m sleeping with a baby polar bear,

Hear my mommy shout, "watch out, beware!”

I’m sleeping with a baby polar bear,
(Yawn, stretch and walk to the middle)

Now my mommy won’t be mad at me!
(All cuddle together to sleep)

Polar Bear Ice Game
Polar bears loom large on the ice cold tundra, with some males reaching 10 feet tall when standing upright. This animal is classified as a threatened species. Polar bears do not hibernate like other bears. However, females build dens to give birth and “hole up” with their newborn cubs. During this time, their bodily functions slow down in a process scientists call “winter sleep,” but the bears can be easily awakened. Polar bears eat an almost exclusively carnivorous diet of seals. They enjoy a semi-aquatic lifestyle, and have the largest home range of any land mammal. Living in the tundra, polar bears have 2-4 inches of blubber (from your thumb to your
index finger) to keep them from starving and to keep them warm. The blubber also helps them float in the water. Their fur is made of clear hollow tubes, which stick together when wet, and are waterproof. Their skin is black, which absorbs the heat of the sun. Beware, polar bears will attack humans.

*Create 8 irregular chunks of sea ice out of poster board to jump on. On one side, write a yes or no polar bear statement. On the other side write yes or no accordingly like the following:

Polar bears live in the cold tundra. YES

Polar bears hibernate like other bears. NO

Females “hole up” with their cubs and are easily awakened. YES
Polar bears are great swimmers. YES

The polar bear’s blubber makes them sink. NO
 Blubber helps them float.

The polar bear’s skin is white, which absorbs the heat of the sun. NO
Their skin is black, absorbs the heat of the sun and keeps them warm.

Polar bears might attack humans. YES

Polar bears are a threatened species. YES

*Create a seal out of poster board.

*Line the ice up in a zigzag fashion with the statement visible. Put the seal at the end of

the line.

*If the child answers correctly they get to jump on the ice chunks until they reach the

seal and have supper.

*If they can’t answer the question they go to the end of the line and try again.

*If the answer is NO and they can correct the answer they get to jump two ice chunks!

*To vary the game, have the children hop or jump backwards.

*If you have an adult helper, split the class into two equal teams. The team who gets all
their members to the seal first wins.


Each child cuts 4 small snowflakes from folded paper. Staple (4) 12” lengths of ribbon

onto the top of a 6” dowel or straw. Staple a paper snowflake on the end of each ribbon. Use these snowflakes for the following song. 

 Winter Snow Song
Wheels on the Bus

The snow from the clouds falls down on me,
(lift snowflakes up and down)
down on me, down on me,
The snow from the clouds falls down on me,
All around the town.
The snow in the air whirls all around
(turn around)
The snow on the ground goes swish, swish, swish
(move flakes side to side)
The kids in the street jump in the snow,
The kids in the street slide in the snow

Kathy Stemke's websites:
Moving Through all Seven Days link:http://www.lulu.com/content/e-book/moving-through-all-seven-days/7386965# http://www.helium.com/users/406242.html http://www.associatedcontent.com/user/237923/Kathy_stemke_dancekam.html Follow me on twitter: http://twitter.com/kathystemke Follow me on Facebook:http://www.facebook.com/topic.php?uid=6147172660&topic=4910#!/kathymarescomatthews.stemke?ref=profile Follow me on LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/pub/kathy-stemke/13/269/285 Add to Technorati Favorites

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