• Online Math Learning: This site has all you need to get children interested in Mathematics – it has fun puzzles, quizzes and lessons to explain the basics of the subject at various levels, from kindergarten to Grade 12. It teaches Math for children through videos, songs, games and other activities according to their age and mental abilities.
• Kid Sites Math: This site points you to dozens of other math sites. You can browse through each of them to find what you’re looking for, based on the interests of your child and their skill level.
• Cool Math for Kids: This jazzy site teaches children the basics of Mathematics in fun and interesting ways. It offers resources for teachers and parents, and features Math games and jigsaw puzzles too. It’s billed as “the amusement park of Math and more”, so check it out if you’re looking for free and fun Math resources.
• Math Playground: Go here if you need to teach Math skills to children ranging from pre-school to middle school. This site features logic games and puzzles, word problems and other Mathematics-based games that are sure to boost your youngster’s interest in the subject and improve their skills.
• Kids Konnect: This site is a treasure trove of resources that offer teachers and parents help in improving the Mathematics skills of children.
Check out all the sites that are featured here, and choose the ones that best fit your child’s temperament and interest.
The key to understanding and doing well in Mathematics is interest – once this is developed, and children learn that Math is fun and not the drudgery that most people purport it to be, teaching them Mathematics is a cinch!
This guest post is contributed by April Davis, she writes on the topic of Accredited Degree Online. She welcomes your questions and comments at her email: april.davis83(@)gmail(.)com.
Kathy Stemke's websites:
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Hi Kathy and April .. this is what I'd find fun .. I'd love to sit and play at the various sites now - but I'll try and remember should I come across any kids who need some extra knowledge - thanks for showing us - have good weekends ..Hilary
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