• Special begins July 1, 2010
• Special ends July 15, 2010
• Queries begin immediately
Picture books and articles:
$15 up to 500 words (regularly $25)
$30 up to 1000 words (regularly $40)
Chapter books and middle grade
$2 per page, minimum of $50 for project (regularly $3 per page)
One page is equivalent to 250 words, 12 font
Note: 12 font Arial or Times New Roman is preferred
Feedback will be provided with each edit
FREE fiction for nonfiction book proofing and critique
(1000 word limit – first 2 query/requests)
FREE blogger site creation (first query/request)
FREE 1 page press release (first query/request)
Up to 250 words
5 page e-book, on a topic you choose, for $25.00
10 page e-book, on a topic you choose, for $50.00
The e-book may or may not include pictures – we reserve the right to make the final decision on this.
1. One per customer
2. We reserve the right to refuse your query if necessary
3. You will be asked to provide topic information, and/or an outline, and author info
3. Turn around time will depend on the number of requests, but should be within one month (difficult topics may take longer)
4. Half the cost down upfront, and the balance when the e-book is complete
5. You will be able to claim the e-book as your own (we are the ghostwriter)
Your e-book will be emailed to you as a pdf file after payment is received in full. Payment is to be made through PayPal as a personal payment.
This is a GREAT offer, and for a LIMITED time only. Act now.
Use our contact page or email us at:
Depending on number of requests, turnaround time will be between 2-4 weeks. We reserve the right to extend turn around an additional 2 weeks or more if needed.
You can and should, query us now and get your book in the queue.
NOTE: We will make every effort to accept all requests, but if circumstances warrant and we need to dismiss a query, we will provide an explanation to the party involved.
Query us at karenrcfv at yahoo dot com or with the following (please put DKV July Special in the subject box):
1. Your name and email address
2. Genre
3. Word and page count of completed manuscript
4. Short blurb of what the book is about
5. Any other pertinent information
Payment: Payment can be via Paypal or check through snail mail. You have the option of paying half before we begin and the rest once I tell you the manuscript is complete, or the full amount right away.
For more information, or to send your requests: email Karen at: karenrcfv at yahoo dot com or Please put DKV July Special in the subject box.
AND, please do not send attachments before contacting us.
TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THESE SUPER SPECIAL PRICES AND FREEBIE OFFERS (you’ll need to act right now to get the freebies since they are limited).
For more information go to the DKV Writing 4 U website!
Moving Through all Seven Days link: me on twitter: me on Facebook:!/kathymarescomatthews.stemke?ref=profile