I HAVE A NEW BOOK UNDER CONTRACT: "TROUBLE ON EARTH DAY!" A teacher activity book will follow. It's a great fictional story that teaches kids how to RECYCLE, RETHINK, AND REUSE things around the house!
Ladybug Rocks!
1. Wash an dry some smooth round or oval rocks.
2. Paint the rocks with acrylic paint in colors of your choice.
3. Paint a head using black paint.
4. Use a black sharpie to draw spots and an line down their backs.
5. Glue on two wiggly eyes. You can substitute beans for the eyes if needed.
Nest Building Activity!
For most birds, nest-building supplies consist of whatever nature has lying around — wood, grass, twigs, feathers, and fur. You can provide the birds in your neighborhood with easy-to-obtain nest fodder by stuffng a mesh onion bag with materials such as pet fur, colorful strands of cloth, bits of stuffing, hay, colorful yarn cut into short lengths, hair from your brush, or feathers from an old down pillow. (Avoid anything synthetic or sharp.) Snip a few large holes in the sack so birds can poke around, then hang it in a tree, ideally near a feeder so it will get noticed.
In the coming weeks, be on the lookout for birds visiting the sack, then watch what trees they return to — from the right viewpoint, you might even get to see your building materials being incorporated into the birds' nests.
Tin Can Herb Pots!
1. Completely wash and dry aluminum can. If necessary, sand off any rough edges from opening of can, and poke holes in the bottom with a screwdriver..
2. Paint can desired color, repeat coats if needed. Decorate however you like. Decorate with stickers if desired.
3. Place enough rocks or pebbles in the bottom of the can to form a single layer.
Add enough potting soil to fill the can two-thirds full.
4. Remove potted herb from its container and transplant into the can.
5. Place can on a plate (to catch any water drainage) and add some water to the newly planted herbs.
6. Paint craft stick whatever color you like. Use a black Sharpie marker to write the herb name onto the stick.
7. Insert your plant marker into the soil, being careful not to crush any roots along the way.
8. Place your new garden in a sunny window and remember to water them!
Kathy Stemke on Education Tipster
Kathy Stemke on Helium
Kathy Stemke on Associated Content
Kathy Stemke’s Website
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