I’d like to introduce a talented and versatile author/illustrator, J. D. Holiday, to my readers today.
J.D. is the author and illustrator of two children’s books. “Janoose the Goose,” is a picture book and “THE GREAT SNOWBALL ESCAPADE,” is a chapter book for six to eight year olds. A chapbook of her short stories titled, “Trespasses,” was published in 1994 and she has had short stories and numerous articles published in literary magazines. She is a member of The Society of Children’s Writers and Illustrators, (SCBWI) and Small Publishers of North America, (SPAN.)
J.D. Holiday lives in the Delaware Valley of Pennsylvania.
J.D. can an you give us a summary of your chapter book?
Wilhemena Brooks’ cousin, Bud Dunphry came to live with her family. Wil, as she likes to be called, finds her pink pencil sharpener is missing after Christmas. Wil knows Bud has it! Who else would have taken it? Her mother told her to be nice to Bud and to treat him like she would like to be treated. If Wil treats Bud nicely does that change anything for her?
How did you find the plot for The Great Snowball Escape?
As a child, every winter day that snow was on the ground I would spend time on the hill sledding in front of the high school near where I lived. This story was inspired by my love of it.
Do you think kids will understand that bullies like Bud are often reacting to problems in their own lives?
Yes, if their parents or guardians explain it to them, kids can understand how others feel and how behaviors might be a reaction to how they feel.
From my own experience, with my parents and in turn, with my daughter, parents can influence their children somewhat even if at the time, it might appear to the parents they are not having an influence. It could be years later when they witness actions or words from their children that make it clear their children were listening.
In “The Great Snowball Escapade,” Wil’s mother is Bud’s aunt. She knows him and his current problems. She can see how Bud has changed and how he is affected by his circumstances. Wil’s mother tries to help her daughter understand. In fact, she explains that his problems are causing him to act out with bad behavior.
I love yourcover and illustrations J. D. How long have you been drawing?
I started drawing and painting about 44 years ago! In high school, I had a teacher who saw something in my artwork and encouraged me to draw and paint.
What will kids like most about your book?
Kids have told me they like the kids in the story and think they know kids like them. Also they understand why the kids in “The Great Snowball Escapade” react to Bud’s bullying with distain.
What will parents and teachers like most about your books?
They like the subject matter. Today bullying is becoming a national problem, For the age group 6 to 8 year olds, “The Great Snowball Escapade” gives kids a concrete example of bullying to look at, and opens up conversation between the children.
How can teachers use this book in the classroom?
Kids can role play the different scenes and come up with alternate things to say. That way they will discover that choosing your words wisely can change the outcome of a story.
How have you marketed your books?
This book and my picture book, “JANOOSE THE GOOSE,” are listed on many online bookstores. I have done book tours, interviews and readings and plan to do much more in the future.
Do you do school visits?
I do on occasion. I enjoy hearing what children have to say about my stories and love how they can relate to my characters.
Can you tell us a little about "Janoose the Goose?"
JANOOSE THE GOOSE-Janoose the Goose is visiting her cousin, Molly the Duck on the farm. Janoose likes the barnyard very much but she must go home because there are no job openings there. When her flight home arrives, the fox has begun a crime spree, and Janoose is the only one who can stop him.
What’s your next project?
I have two books I’m working on at the moment. One is a picture book I am now doing the drawings for and then I’ll paint them. It is a story about a boy who wants a puppy but gets a dog that is older. It's what they do together that makes them pals. The other book is a young adult novel titled, “Christmas in the City.” This story is about two girls, one with a family and one without. Both are searching for what is important to them.
Where can my readers find out more about your books and purchase them?
JD Holiday’s website: http://www.bookgardenpublishing.net/
JD Holiday’s blog:
Find her books on Lulu.com, Amazon.com.
Thank you for stopping by and bringing your delightful books J. D.
Thank you so much, Kathy for having me on your Blog today.
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